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What Business Owners Need to Know About Web Design

As a business owner, you believe in your products and/or services and are proud of what you sell. You’ve invested a lot of time and effort to build your business and make sure your wares are of top quality and stand out from your competition.

But now you need to connect with your target audience – or ideal potential new customers – in order to ensure a healthy bottom line. You want plenty of consumers to fall in love with your products so you can convert them into customers.

You may think that an appealing storefront will generate an adequate flow of new customers into your store and allow you to maintain a robust profit margin. But an attractive store, aggressive advertising, and even public signage, are likely to fall well short of creating enough awareness of your business to produce sufficient sales that keep your business afloat.

Your potential and current customers exist in large numbers online. That is why if you want your business to be viable, competitive, and successful, then you need to have a professionally designed website that will capture the attention of online consumers. A well-designed website that contains all of the necessary visual and technical elements will ensure that online consumers will find your business when they are searching for your products or services on search engines like Bing and Google.

Studies show that approximately 75 percent of people conduct research online before making purchases of products or services. That means you must have a solid online presence if you want your potential new customers to find your business before the competition. 

5 Must-Haves for a Well-Designed Website 

1)     User Friendly/Usability

Even if you offer consumers stellar products, you won’t convert them into customers if your website is not user-friendly, meaning it is intuitive and easy to use. Studies show that online users spend just 7 to 10 seconds to decide if they will stay or leave a website. And having a well-designed website that is simple to use and easy to navigate will ensure your conversion rate – turning visitors into customers – will be high. 

You want a positive user experience so visitors are more likely to read about your products or services and then be motivated to purchase them.  That is why the cornerstone of good website design is excellent website usability. 

Good usability will enhance the performance of your website and increase your chances of generating more sales, which will add to your business revenue. In order for your website to be successful, you must provide a seamless user experience. 

2)     Colors

The colors you select for your website are critical when it comes to forming your brand perception among visitors to your website. In fact, the colors that you use for your website can have a significant impact on a user’s experience on your site. 

Although basing your website color scheme on your brand logo or brand colors is common practice, it might not benefit your website when it comes to attracting and heightening interest among online users.  Your brand colors represent your brand personality and identity, however, they don’t necessarily work well for a good on-site experience. For example, you may want to diverge from your brand colors when you choose the background color or text link colors for your website. 

It is vital to the appeal factor of your website to strike the right balance between showcasing your brand identity and selecting colors that make your website compelling and attractive. 

3)     Layout

The layout of your website has a significant effect on the user experience.  In fact, the layout of your website is a dominant factor in determining your site’s bounce rate – how many people leave your site. 

When you design your website, make sure it isn’t too busy or cluttered. You want to have plenty of white space so each element on your site can “breathe.” This allows the online visitor to quickly comprehend what is displayed on each page of your website. The goal of your website is to make it possible for the visitor to find the information they are looking for quickly and easily so nothing prevents them from making that all-important purchase. 

Avoid being too clever with your design elements, such as using too many multi-column page layouts or sidebars. This has the potential to create confusion with visitors to your site, and can cause them to lose interest. Choose a layout that makes it easy for visitors seek out the most important and relevant information on your website.  This not only makes for a positive user experience, but it will increase your conversion rate. 

4)     Cater to Different Devices

Online media research tells us that well more than half of all online consumers who access your website do so from a mobile device.  That is why your website design needs to be flexible and dynamic so online users can have the identical positive experience navigating your site on different devices. For example, if a user on his smart phone has to zoom in and out to read your website properly, he will become frustrated and leave your site. 

You want to ensure in your website design that it is mobile friendly, meaning users can have a positive experience perusing your pages of content on their smart phones, tablets, laptop computers, smart watches, etc. Among the design considerations that should be factored into your website design for non-desktop users are text size, image resizing, button size, in addition to the layout of your menu. 

Catering to different devices means that your website designers fully understand that clicking with a mouse is a much different experience from tapping with your finger on a mobile phone. 

5)     Navigation

Another critical component of website design is navigation.  Your navigation includes the menu navigation that resides at the top of every page on your site. In addition to the main navigation bars, there should be related links and sidebars so visitors can dig deeper into your website. List your most important pages on your main navigation menu. Don’t be tempted to put too many items in the menu, as this will contribute to a cluttered appearance and cause online users to become confused. 

We recommend that your primary pages for the main navigation menu be the ‘About’ page, and the product or service landing pages. If your website contains deeper content pages that do not fit with your primary navigation menu, then utilize related links, sidebars, and internal body links so visitors can quickly and easily access this important content. 

When creating the navigation structure of your website design, it is helpful to remember to strike the right balance of pages on your navigation menu and pages that link to other areas on your site. This ensures your website will have a clean appearance, and that online users will enjoy a smooth, positive experience when navigating your site. 

Importance of Web Design

Your web design can make the difference between success and failure for your business. It also impacts how online users view your brand. 

Ensuring your website is user friendly, mobile friendly, and aesthetically appealing will play a major role in improving your conversion rate, which could boost your profit margin and lay the foundation for a successful business. 

Let Lemon Head Design Help Your Business Succeed Online 

Lemon Head Design is a web services agency that has a proven track record of helping businesses – and dental practices – be successful with well-designed, money-making websites. Our award-winning designers produce websites with the user in mind so businesses can more easily connect with potential customers. 

Among the online services we provide are Web development, Web maintenance, graphic design, marketing services, and Chatbot with Live Chat and SMS. 

With Lemon Head Design, we will create a professional, eye-catching website that attracts the people you want as customers, all while contributing to your bottom line!  

For more than a dozen years, Lemon Head Design has been the premier source for website design in Utah. We have helped hundreds of our clients succeed online.  Why shouldn’t our next client be you?

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